Flight Delay Claim Company: Benefits and Reasons to Hire

Why Should You Hire a Flight Delay Claim Company?

If you’re considering hiring a flight delay claim company, it’s essential to understand the benefits you get from it.

Hiring a flight delay claim company can save you time, effort, and stress while increasing your chances of success. If you’ve experienced a flight delay or cancellation, hiring flight delay claim companies to help you obtain the compensation you deserve is worth it.

Have you ever experienced a flight delay or flight cancellation, or stuck at the airport, waiting for a flight that never seemed to come? Or worse, it did arrive, but it was so late that you missed an important opportunity and your entire trip plan was ruined? Unfortunately, this is far too common of a situation. Travelers face delays most of the time and were left stranded.

But don’t worry! If you have recently suffered from a flight delay, there is help for you. A specialized flight delay claim company can make the process easier, and faster and save you time, effort, and stress while increasing your chances of success.

Here’s why you should consider hiring one of these professionals to handle your claim:

Understanding Flight Delay Compensation

What is flight delay compensation and why it exists

Flight delay compensation is a financial remedy offered to air travelers when their flights are delayed significantly or canceled. It exists to protect passengers from the inconvenience and financial losses caused by airline delays. Airlines are responsible for ensuring timely departures and arrivals, and when they fail to do so due to factors within their control, passengers are entitled to flight delay compensation. This compensation is designed to cover expenses such as accommodation, meals, transportation, and, in some cases, monetary compensation for the inconvenience caused.

Legal rights of passengers regarding flight delays or cancellations

Passengers have legal rights when facing flight delays, which are primarily defined by regulations like the European Union’s Regulation (EC) No 261/2004. These rights include the right to be informed about the delay or cancellation, the right to assistance (e.g., meals, accommodations), and the right to compensation, provided the delay was the airline’s fault. Passengers also have the right to rebooking or refund options. These rights are in place to ensure that travelers are treated fairly and compensated appropriately when airlines fail to meet their obligations.

Criteria for eligibility for compensation

Eligibility for flight compensation is determined by several factors, including the length of the delay, the distance of the flight, and the circumstances leading to the flight disruption. Generally, to be eligible for compensation, the disruption must be caused by factors within the airline’s control, such as technical issues or crew problems.

The specific criteria can vary by region and regulation, but a common guideline is that passengers are eligible for compensation if their flight arrives at the final destination more than three hours late and if the flight departs from an airport within the jurisdiction of the regulation (e.g., an EU airport for EU Regulation 261/2004).

The amount of compensation also depends on the distance of the flight. These criteria ensure that passengers are fairly compensated for significant disruptions to their travel plans.

Challenges Passengers Faced While Claiming Compensation

Claiming compensation for flight delays can be a daunting task for passengers, especially when attempting to navigate the process independently. One of the most common obstacles they encounter is the complexity of the legal procedures involved. These procedures often involve intricate rules and regulations that can be overwhelming for individuals without legal expertise.

Additionally, airline resistance is a prevalent issue. Airlines, in many cases, are reluctant to admit fault or offer compensation willingly. Passengers may find themselves engaged in lengthy negotiations or disputes with the airline, which can be frustrating and time-consuming.

Got a flight on the horizon? EU law could equal compensation for flight disruptions. Dive into your flight disruption rights today!

Claim Denials and How a Flight Delay Claim Company Helps

You might be wondering why you should hire a flight delay claim company instead of trying to submit the flight delay claim yourself. After all, the airline doesn’t make it easy for passengers to get a refund.

Airlines typically deny claims because they know most people won’t have the time, energy, or knowledge to fight it — and that’s where a flight compensation claim company comes in. Here’s how they help:

Data Analysis

A professional flight delay claim company has access to data and analytics that can help identify trends in airline performance and pinpoint which flights are more likely to be delayed or canceled.

With this knowledge, they can proactively investigate the reasons for delayed or canceled flights, ensuring that their clients get compensated when they’re due one and don’t miss out on money due to them.


Flight delay claims companies have experienced professionals who understand how airline contracts and regulations work, so they can ensure your claim is handled quickly and efficiently with minimal stress for you.

They’ll also be able to represent you if you need to pursue legal action against an airline for not providing adequate compensation.

The bottom line is that hiring a flight delay claim company can save you time and hassle while increasing your chances of getting fair compensation.

Benefits of Hiring a Flight Delay Claim Company

If you’re considering hiring a flight delay claim company, it’s essential to understand the benefits you get from it.

First, a flight delay claim company will save you time and headaches. Instead of figuring out all the legalese, documentation requirements, and logistical minutiae of submitting a claim yourself, you can hand it off to the professionals who can get it done.

They also have access to specific industry knowledge that will help maximize your chances of success. Their experience with flights, regulations, settlements, and more can help you navigate the murky waters of delayed flight claims more quickly than going alone.

Furthermore, a flight delay claim firm can manage any back-and-forth with the airline or settlement provider – which is often difficult for an individual to do without their expertise. It means they can keep things organized and ensure all necessary paperwork is in order before submitting your claim.

Finally, suppose your case is complicated or disputed. In that case, a flight delay claim company typically has the resources to pursue legal action if needed – something that may not be feasible for an individual.

In short: hiring a reliable flight delay claim company like Airhelp or ClaimFlights gives you the advantage of having a professional on your side—just make sure to do your research first!

What does a Flight Delay Claim Company do?

Hiring a flight delay claim company to handle your delayed or canceled flight case is often the most brilliant move. Why? Because they know exactly what to do. They will take the paperwork and legwork associated with your claim and help you get maximum compensation.

They will assess your case, gather all the evidence needed to prove your eligibility and build a strong lawsuit against the airline. They then calculate the amount of compensation you can claim, and communicate directly with the airline. All at once!

And since they specialize in handling flight delays (rather than just one-off cases like yours), they know exactly how to argue on your behalf and maximize your compensation. Plus, their expertise also extends to help you understand any legal rights you may have—like claiming compensation for delayed, canceled, or overbooked flights.


A flight delay claim company assists passengers in seeking compensation and asserting their rights when they experience flight disruption. Here’s what a flight delay claim company typically does:

  1. Evaluation: They assess the eligibility of a passenger’s claim by examining the circumstances surrounding the delay, including the flight details, duration of delay, and the reason for the delay.
  2. Documentation: They gather all the necessary documents and evidence to support the claim. This can include flight tickets, boarding passes, booking confirmations, and any communication with the airline.
  3. Legal Expertise: Flight delay claim companies often have legal experts who understand the intricacies of aviation law and passenger rights like EU Regulation 261/2004. They use this expertise to navigate the legal framework and help you claim maximum compensation.
  4. Communication: They communicate with the airline on behalf of the passenger to negotiate compensation. This involves sending formal letters and emails, as well as following up with the airline to ensure a timely response.
  5. Dispute Resolution: If the airline denies the claim or offers an inadequate compensation amount, the claim company may engage in dispute resolution processes, such as mediation or legal action, to pursue fair compensation.
  6. Maximizing Compensation: Flight delay claim companies aim to secure the maximum compensation allowed under relevant regulations, which can vary depending on the distance of the flight, duration of the delay, and other factors.
  7. Reducing Hassle: They handle the administrative and legal aspects of the claim, reducing the burden on passengers and saving their time and effort.
  8. Legal Action: In cases where negotiations fail, some companies are prepared to take legal action on behalf of passengers to enforce their rights. Whereas, you may have to bear additional legal action fees with companies like Flightright or Airhelp.

In essence, flight delay claim companies advocate for passengers seeking compensation for disruptions to their travel plans.

They leverage their expertise and experience to help passengers navigate the often complex process of claiming compensation from airlines.

Fees Structure

The fees charged by flight delay claim companies can vary, and they typically operate on a “no win, no fee” basis. Here’s how their fee structure commonly works:

  1. No Upfront Fees: Flight delay claim companies usually do not charge any upfront fees. They will assess your case and provide their services without requiring payment at the beginning.
    *Caution: AirHelp+ compensates you for your delayed or canceled flight without any upfront obligation, but they have a subscription cost.
  2. Success-Based Fee: These companies typically charge a percentage of the compensation amount if they are successful in securing compensation for you. This fee is often around 20% to 30% of the compensation amount recovered.
  3. Additional Costs: While the success-based fee is the primary charge, some claim companies may have additional costs like administrative charges, wire transfer fees, or charges for certain services, such as legal fees when legal action is required.
    *Note: ClaimFlights doesn’t impose any additional costs, unlike AirHelp and FlightRight, even if legal action becomes necessary.
  4. VAT: You may have to bear Value Added Tax (VAT) based on your citizenship. With ClaimFlights, you do not have to bear additional VAT if you are a non-EU resident.
  5. No Compensation, No Fee: If the claim is unsuccessful and no compensation is obtained, you generally won’t have to pay any fees to the claim company. This is why it’s often referred to as a “no win, no fee” arrangement.


Which Is The Best Company To Claim European Flight Delay Compensation?

ClaimFlights is the best flight delay claim company for payout after their 25% service fee. Through ClaimFlights, you could get 75% of the receivable compensation.

The following table gives you a direct comparison of flight delay compensation claim companies.

Your payout* (as Flight Delay Compensation)

for less than 1500 km for 1501 to 3500 km for more than 3500 km
ClaimFlights €187.50 €300 €450
Flightright €125.75 €201.20 €301.80
AirHelp €125 €200 €300
ClaimCompass €125 €200 €300
SkyRefund €125 €200 €300

Source: Price comparison of flight delay claim companies, as of Aug 2023.

How a Flight Delay Claim Company Can Help You

They know the ins and outs of legal processes and regulations specific to flight delay cases. They make it easy to get compensation for your flight delay from airlines.

A reputable flight delay claims company will make the entire process easier. That way, you don’t have to deal with the headache of paperwork and research—they’ll do it all for you. And should an airline refuse your claim, a good flight delay claim company is equipped to handle any dispute that might arise.

More specifically:

  1. Expertise in flight delay claims: A flight delay claim company is experienced in handling claims against airlines. They know the ins and outs of the regulations and can help you navigate the process smoothly.
  2. Save time and effort: Filing a claim can be time-consuming and complicated. By hiring a flight delay claim company, you can save yourself the hassle and focus on your other priorities.
  3. Increase your chances of success: A flight delay claim company has the expertise and resources to build a strong case on your behalf. It increases the likelihood of receiving the compensation you deserve.
  4. No win, no fee: Many flight delay claim companies operate on a no-win, no-fee basis. It means you won’t have to pay anything unless you receive compensation, making it a low-risk option.
  5. Knowledge of airline tactics: Airlines often use various tactics to avoid paying compensation. A flight delay claim company knows these tactics and can counter them effectively to help you get your rightful compensation.
  6. Stress-free experience: Dealing with airlines can be stressful, especially if your claim is denied. By hiring a flight delay claim company, you can avoid stress and let the professionals handle the negotiations and paperwork.
  7. Legal knowledge: Flight delay claim companies thoroughly understand the legal framework surrounding flight delays and cancellations. It includes expertise in the European Union’s EC 261 regulation, which mandates compensation for flight delays and cancellations under certain circumstances. They are also familiar with similar rules in other countries, ensuring your claim is handled under the relevant laws.
  8. Efficient communication with airlines: Flight delay claims companies have established relationships with various airlines, which can streamline communication. They know whom to contact and how to present your claim effectively, increasing the likelihood of a favorable outcome.
  9. Assistance in gathering evidence: To build a strong case, you’ll need evidence to support your claim. A flight delay claim company can help you pick up the necessary documentation, such as flight tickets, boarding passes, and proof of expenses incurred due to the delay.
  10. Multilingual support: Language barriers might complicate the process if your flight delay or cancellation occurs in a foreign country. Many flight delay claim companies offer multilingual support, ensuring clear communication throughout the claim process.
  11. Ongoing updates on your claim: A good flight delay claim company will keep you informed about the progress of your claim. They’ll provide updates on any developments and let you know if they require additional information from you.
  12. Handling appeals: Airlines may sometimes reject your initial claim. A flight delay claim company can help you appeal the decision, providing additional evidence and arguments to strengthen your case.

When selecting a flight delay claim company, it’s essential to do your research. Seek companies with positive reviews, a strong track record of success, and transparent fee structures.


In conclusion, if you’ve had a flight delay, don’t take the chance of going alone—hire a flight delay claim company. They have the resources, expertise, and experience to ensure you receive the compensation you’re entitled to.

Flight delays are inevitable, but that doesn’t mean you have to put up with them without any compensation. Thanks to a flight delay claim company, you can get the money you rightfully deserve and have something to show for the stress and disruption brought on by the airline’s negligence. So, don’t delay; contact a flight delay claim company today and take back your time and money.

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