Flight Cancellation? Explore Your Compensation Options

Flight Cancellations – What Are The Options for Compensation

Ever been on a canceled flight? It’s not fun, right? But did you know that you might be eligible for compensation if your flight was canceled or delayed?

Have you ever found yourself stuck at an airport waiting for a flight that never arrives? Or worse, do you have trauma from being stranded, unaware of what’s going on, or what options you have? Or maybe you’ve heard about other people’s tales of flight cancellations and wondered about the potential for compensation.

We sympathize with all the flight chaos out there and understand how disruptive it can be. That’s why we wanted to create this piece that explains what your rights are when your flight is canceled or delayed, and how to get compensated for it.

Why are Flights being Cancelled?

Flights can be canceled for a variety of reasons, ranging from operational issues to external factors. Common causes include adverse weather conditions, technical or mechanical problems with the aircraft, air traffic control restrictions, strikes, and unforeseen events such as natural disasters or geopolitical issues.

Airlines prioritize passenger safety, and when faced with circumstances that may compromise it, they may choose to cancel or delay flights.

Additionally, routine maintenance checks and adjustments to flight schedules can contribute to cancellations. Understanding the specific cause of a flight cancellation often involves considering both airline-specific policies and external factors beyond the airline’s control.

Understanding Flight Cancellation Rights: The EU 261 Rule

If you’re wondering what your rights are when it comes to flight cancellations, you should not only familiarize yourself with the EU 261 Rule. This legislation, also known as the Denied Boarding Regulation, ensures that every airline passenger in Europe has certain rights when their flight is canceled, delayed, or otherwise disrupted.

Under the EU 261 rule, if an airline has canceled a flight and doesn’t provide an alternative within a reasonable time window, the airline must offer:

  • Compensation in the form of either money or travel vouchers
  • Rebooking on another carrier
  • A refund of the ticket price
  • A return flight to the original point of departure
  • Assistance during disruption including meals and accommodation.

It’s important to note that all passengers flying with any airline from Europe are entitled to these rights and compensation regardless of where their final destination might be. So don’t forget to check up on your entitlements if your flight was unexpectedly canceled!

Was your flight delayed? You may be eligible for compensation

Has your flight been delayed for more than 3 hours or even canceled? Don't worry, you may be eligible for compensation up to 600€ under the EU Regulation 261/2004.

Check if You're Eligible

We offer "No Win - No Fee" Services, so claiming is Risk-Free!

What Airlines Have to Provide During Delays and Cancellations

If your flight has been canceled, the airline must provide you with all the necessary assistance, such as food and refreshments if there’s a delay, or overnight accommodation (including transfers) if you have to remain at an airport or change airports during the same day.

In addition:

  • If your flight is canceled for less than 14 days, you are entitled to free of charge travel back to your destination.
  • If your flight is canceled for more than 14 days, you have the right to request a refund for your ticket.
  • You will be offered another available option (a flight with another airline company).
  • Airlines are required to inform you about your rights in written form in case of cancellations.

Finally, if the flight is canceled within two weeks before its planned departure date, and you are not informed of the cancellation at least two weeks before the departure date, you are entitled to claim financial compensation up to €600.

At ClaimFlights we understand how stressful it can be when a flight is canceled – that’s why we made it our mission to help passengers receive their rightful compensation!

Airfare Compensation (Refund)

Airfare compensation, commonly referred to as a refund, is a reimbursement provided to passengers in certain situations where their original flight booking is disrupted or canceled.

This reimbursement is typically issued by the airline and may be triggered by various factors, including flight cancellations, delays, or instances where the passenger is involuntarily denied boarding.

The eligibility for airfare compensation is often outlined in the airline’s terms and conditions, and it may vary based on the specific circumstances surrounding the disruption. In the case of a canceled flight, passengers are generally entitled to a refund of the ticket cost.

Right to Assistance

The “Right to Assistance” refers to the entitlement of passengers to receive support and aid from airlines in certain situations, particularly when facing travel disruptions or inconveniences.

This right is often outlined in passenger rights regulations and airline policies to ensure that travelers are provided with necessary assistance during unforeseen circumstances.

Common scenarios where the right to assistance may apply include flight delays, cancellations, or instances of denied boarding. Airlines are typically obligated to offer passengers essential services such as communication facilities, meals, refreshments, and accommodation when necessary.

The scope and specifics of the assistance provided can vary based on the severity of the disruption and the duration of the delay.


When a flight is canceled or there are other significant changes to a passenger’s original travel plans, the airline may opt to re-route the passenger on an alternative set of flights to ensure they reach their destination.

The re-routing process aims to minimize the inconvenience caused by disruptions while still facilitating the completion of the passenger’s journey.

The specific re-routing options available to passengers often depend on the airline’s policies, the reason for the disruption, and the availability of alternative flights.

How to Get Compensation for Cancelled Flights

So you’re ready to claim for your canceled flight and don’t know how to get started? That’s ok because ClaimFlights is here to help! We know how hard it can be to fight for compensation on your own, which is why we make it our mission to help you succeed.

Calculate Your Eligibility

We provide an eligibility calculator on our website so that you can quickly calculate whether you’re eligible to claim flight cancelation compensation following the EU Regulation 261/2004. All you need to do is fill in your personal information, flight details, and your arrival time. It’s easy and fast!

Collect Evidence and Documents

Collecting the necessary evidence and documents for a successful claim can take some time. This includes anything from tickets, delay or cancellation letters from airlines, boarding passes, passenger lists, etc. Make sure all dates are accurate since incorrect dates can quickly cost you your claim!

Submit Your Claim

Once you’ve made sure all evidence and documents are collected accurately, it’s time to submit your claim via the ClaimFlights platform. All that’s left now is for us to track down the airline for their response so that we can take them on in a negotiation process.

The average claim amount can range anywhere from €250 – €600 per person so keep that in mind when making your decision – the more effort you put into getting what’s rightfully yours will be worth it!

Getting the Help You Need From ClaimFlights

Do you need help with your claim? If so, look no further than ClaimFlights! We are a flight claim service provider, helping stranded air passengers request compensation for delayed, canceled, and overbooked flights following the EU 261 rule.

ClaimFlights makes getting compensation for your canceled flight easy. Here’s what you can expect from us:

  • Hassle-free Claiming: We work with you to make sure that your claim is processed all the way through to completion.
  • Full Legal Support: We’ll provide full legal assistance to ensure that your rights are respected by the airlines.
  • Professional Assistance: Our team of experts will provide professional advice and assistance to make sure that you get the best outcome possible.
  • Quick Resolution: We guarantee a fast resolution to all claims, so you can get compensated as soon as possible!

If someone’s canceled flight has caused them stress and hassle, then let us take some of the burdens away with our effective and efficient claim process. With ClaimFlights on your side, you’ll be able to get back in the air in no time!

Which is the best company to claim flight delay compensation?

ClaimFlights is the best flight delay claim company when it comes to the payout after their 25% service fee. Through ClaimFlights, you could get 75% of the receivable compensation.

The following table gives you a direct comparison of flight delay compensation claim companies.

Your payout* (as Flight Delay Compensation)

for less than 1500 km for 1501 to 3500 km for more than 3500 km
ClaimFlights 187.50 € 300 € 450 €
Flightright 125.75 € 201.20 € 301.80 €
AirHelp 125 € 200 € 300 €
ClaimCompass 125 € 200 € 300 €
SkyRefund 125 € 200 € 300 €

* Source: Price comparison of flight delay claim companies, as of 8th August 2023.


Being stuck on a canceled flight can be frustrating, inconvenient, and expensive. To make sure that your rights are respected and ensure that you are treated fairly, it is worth understanding the EU 261 regulations and the courses of action that are available to you.

Claiming your flight cancelation compensation does not have to be a hassle. The ClaimFlights team is here to aid you throughout the process and make sure that you receive the compensation you are entitled to.

Take advantage of your right to be compensated and ClaimFlights will make the claims process simpler and less stressful. Provide us with your flight details and learn how to make a successful flight claim.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) on Flight Cancellations

Why do flights get canceled?

Flights can be canceled due to various reasons, including adverse weather conditions, technical issues with the aircraft, air traffic control constraints, or operational disruptions.

What are my rights if my flight is canceled?

Passengers typically have rights to compensation, rebooking, or a refund, depending on the airline and the circumstances of the cancellation. Check with the airline and familiarize yourself with passenger rights in such situations.

How can I check if my flight is canceled?

Keep an eye on your flight status through the airline’s website, mobile app, or by contacting their customer service. Airlines also often provide real-time updates on departure boards at airports.

Will I get compensation for a canceled flight?

Compensation eligibility varies based on factors such as the reason for the cancellation, the airline’s policy, and regional regulations. Some situations may entitle you to compensation, while others may not.

Can I get a refund if my flight is canceled?

Depending on the airline’s policy, passengers may be eligible for a refund or the option to rebook on an alternative flight. Check the terms and conditions of your ticket or contact the airline for specific information.

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