Does Rain Delay Flights? Understanding Rain-Related Disruptions

Does rain delay flights? Impact of heavy rain on flight

Have you ever arrived at the airport only to find out your plane has been delayed or canceled due to heavy rainfall? Under some situations, you might be eligible for compensation.

It’s an inevitability that all air travelers face issues with rain and thunderstorms at some point. But do planes really take off in the rain? That’s a question we’re here to answer.

Our aim in this article is to give you insight into your question, Does rain affect flights? and explain “What are your rights when your flight is delayed or canceled due to rain?”

We’ll be examining what happens if your flight is rescheduled or canceled and explaining the EC 261 rule which stipulates the circumstances under which you may be entitled to compensation.

Whether you’re a frequent flier looking for information or someone who has been caught in a sticky situation caused by a delay, read on to learn more about if rain can delay flights and how ClaimFlights can help.

Can planes fly in heavy rain?

Passenger Aircraft are meticulously engineered to withstand adverse weather conditions, including heavy rainfall. The structural components, such as the engines and wings, are designed to operate effectively without being compromised by rain and thunderstorms.

These aircraft undergo rigorous testing, including planes through extreme weather conditions, to validate their resilience and ensure they can maintain their integrity and functionality.

The primary challenge heavy rain poses to aviation is not about the aircraft’s ability to fly but concerns visibility during critical phases of planes like takeoff and landing.

When pilots face reduced visibility, it becomes challenging to navigate runways and taxiways safely. Consequently, air traffic control may delay or cancel flights to prioritize safety.

The Impact of Rain on Planes’ Takeoffs and Landings

Can planes take off in the rain? It’s a common misconception that airlines never take off in the rain. Sure, it’s generally more dangerous to take off in the rain, so unless it’s absolutely necessary, the captain won’t fly through it to save time. But they do!

The impact of rain on planes can vary depending on the severity of the rainfall and the specific situation. In general, rain itself isn’t a major obstacle for modern planes, but it can influence flight operations in a few ways:

  • Visibility: Heavy rain can significantly reduce visibility, making it challenging for pilots to see the runway and surrounding environment, particularly during takeoff and landing. This can lead to flight delays or cancellations, especially if minimum visibility requirements aren’t met.
  • Turbulence: Rain is often associated with wind shear and turbulence, which can cause a bumpy ride and potentially affect aircraft control. While trained pilots can navigate turbulence safely, it can be uncomfortable for passengers.
  • Aerodynamics: In extreme cases, heavy rain can affect the aircraft’s lift due to water accumulation on the wings, but this is rare and typically only happens during icing conditions or thunderstorms.
  • Flight performance: While rain doesn’t significantly impact lift or engine performance, it can cause some drag, leading to slightly increased fuel consumption.
  • Aircraft Systems: Rain can potentially impact some aircraft systems, like pitot tubes used for airspeed measurement or wing de-icing equipment. Modern planes are equipped with redundancies and backup systems to minimize such risks, but thorough pre-flight checks are crucial.
  • Ground Operations: Wet runways can be slippery, requiring extra caution during taxiing and takeoff. This may lead to slower taxi speeds, airport congestion, adjustments in takeoff procedures to ensure safety. Flooding of the runway can make takeoffs and landings dangerous. Excess water reduces friction, making it harder for planes to stop or take off safely

Airlines must adhere to strict safety regulations, which include only taking off and landing when visibility is good enough. The aircraft must also be able to be navigated safely on the ground and into the air.

Fortunately for passengers though, when flight delays or cancellations occur due to airlines’ fault, they may be entitled to compensation under EC 261 Regulation from their airline.

Do Flights Get Delayed or Canceled Due to Rain?

Yes, rain can impact flight takeoffs, leading to delays or cancellations if conditions become hazardous due to limited visibility and wet runways.

However, when rain affects flights, Air Traffic Control (ATC) can authorize the pilot to land if they feel the conditions are favorable for landing. Severe weather can lead to delays due to congested airspace or safety concerns.

If your flight encounters delays of over 3 hours on EU flights due to airline negligence, you may have the right to claim compensation under EU Regulation 261/2004.

How Do Pilots Train to Fly in the Rain?

Before pilots fly in the sky, they start their training in a flight simulator. These simulators are able to create realistic weather conditions like rain, wind and snow.

After getting comfortable in the simulator training sessions, pilots promoted on to the actual flights.

During these training flights, they practice flying in different weather conditions including rain to gain real experience.

This helps them learn how to handle such dangerous situations like low visibility and slippery runways just by relying on the instruments present in the cockpit.

In the end, this training prepares them to fly safely and confidently, no matter what the weather is like.

Rain Protection Techniques for Planes

Aircraft rain protection systems help pilots see clearly during taxiing, take-off, and landing in the rain. These systems aren’t usually needed when the plane is flying high.

There are different ways to remove rain from the windshields. Not all planes have these systems, but those that do use one or a combination of these methods:

  • windshield wipers,
  • chemical sprays to repel rain,
  • special water-repellent coating on the windshields,
  • Pneumatic rain removal systems (flow of heated air) to blow the rain away.

Airborne weather radar helps pilots see how strong a storm is. Modern radars use Doppler technology to show how hard it’s raining and how the raindrops are moving.

The radar antenna, usually at the front of the plane, sends signals that a computer processes and shows on a screen for the pilots to view.

The size of the raindrops tells pilots how strong the winds are inside storm clouds, which can cause turbulence.Some radars also warn about wind shear, a sudden change in wind speed or direction.

Technical Snags while flying through Heavy Rain

Heavy rain typically does not have a significant impact on an airplane’s ability to maintain flight at moderate altitudes.

Heavy rain can lead to specific issues that may affect instrumentation. One notable concern is the flooding of the pitot-static head, which is a crucial component used to measure airspeed, altitude, and vertical speed.

When heavy rain causes water to enter this system, it can lead to inaccurate readings potentially displaying incorrect information to the pilot. This issue can mislead the flight crew about the aircraft’s speed, which is critical for safe operation during flight.

What are the compensation rules for flight delays caused by rain?

When it comes to flight delays, rain is one of the major culprits. If a flight gets canceled or delayed because of rain, who’s liable for the inconvenience?

Airlines are required to assist when faced with unexpected delays due to weather, making sure you have food, drinks, and a place to rest (if necessary).

Plus, if your flight delay was long enough, more than 3 hours for EU flights or more than 4 hours for US and other international flights you may be eligible for financial compensation under the EU 261 rule (for European flights).

So if your flight is delayed due to rain or any other form of bad weather, are you eligible for compensation?

In certain cases, ClaimFlights is here to help with its Flight Compensation Service following EU laws when cases involve delays or cancellations due to adverse weather conditions.

With ClaimFlights taking care of things on your behalf, all you need is patience while they handle the paperwork and deal with an air carrier to get your well-deserved compensation under EU regulation.

The EU 261 law covers all flights leaving from EU countries and direct flights arriving on EU airlines. This means that if your flight is delayed due to bad weather like rain, fog, or snow. you may be eligible for compensation based on the length of the delay.

ClaimFlights – Flight Delay Claims Made Easy

It’s easy to feel helpless when your flight is late or canceled due to rain. But don’t worry! ClaimFlights is here to help you with filing a flight delay claim under EU261 legislation.

ClaimFlights makes it simple to get compensation for delayed, canceled, or overbooked flights by handling all the paperwork and waiting for you. We also track your case to ensure you get the maximum payout for your inconvenience.

Here’s how ClaimFlights makes things easy:

  • Submit a claim: Provide your flight details and evidence to get started, so they can keep everything organized for you.
  • Quick submission: Their automated system processes your claim in just two minutes, saving you from complicated forms and long waits.
  • 24/7 tracking: You’ll receive notifications when your claim is accepted or rejected, so you don’t have to check constantly.

Don’t let flight delays ruin your travel plans, use ClaimFlights to get your compensation fast and hassle-free!

Was your flight delayed? You may be eligible for compensation

Has your flight been delayed for more than 3 hours or even canceled? Don't worry, you may be eligible for compensation up to 600€ under the EU Regulation 261/2004.

Check if You're Eligible

We offer "No Win - No Fee" Services, so claiming is Risk-Free!

Which is the best company to claim flight delay compensation?

ClaimFlights is the best flight delay claim company when it comes to the payout after their 25% service fee. Through ClaimFlights, you could get 75% of the receivable compensation.

The following table gives you a direct comparison of flight delay compensation claim companies.

Your payout* (as Flight Delay Compensation)

for less than 1500 km for 1501 to 3500 km for more than 3500 km
ClaimFlights 187.50 € 300 € 450 €
Flightright 125.75 € 201.20 € 301.80 €
AirHelp 125 € 200 € 300 €
ClaimCompass 125 € 200 € 300 €
SkyRefund 125 € 200 € 300 €

* Source: Price comparison of flight delay claim companies, as of 8th August 2023.

FAQs on Flight Delay Compensation During Rainy Weather

When it comes to flight delay compensation during rainy weather, a lot of questions come up. Can planes fly in rain? Let’s run through the most important ones here so you know what to do if your flight is canceled or delayed due to rain.

Do flights get cancelled for rain?

While rain by itself doesn’t often cause flight cancellations, if it comes with severe weather like thunderstorms, lightning, or strong winds, flights might be canceled to keep passengers and crew safe. In general, the temperature of the rain can also impact take-offs and landings.

Can a plane take off or land in the rain?

Generally, yes. Pilots have the skills and training needed to safely fly in bad weather. That said, different airlines have different policies when it comes to flying in bad weather—so check with your airline for their specific policy.

What if my plane has been delayed due to bad weather?

If your plane has been delayed by more than three hours due to bad weather, you may be able to receive compensation from the airline—which can be between 250 – 600 euros per passenger depending on the distance of your flight and other factors.

To learn more about flight delay compensation—and file a claim for your delayed flight—you should contact a professional flight rights company like ClaimFlights for advice.


So here’s the final answer to your question: Do planes take off in rain? Yes, planes can take off in the rain and planes can land in the rain, but we recommend that it’s best to double-check with your airline before making any assumptions because flights can be canceled for rain, which can disrupt your plans.

So here’s the final answer to your question: Do planes take off in rain? Yes, planes can take off in the rain, and planes can land in the rain. However, it’s always best to double-check with your airline before making any assumptions, as flights can be canceled due to rain, potentially disrupting your plans.

And if your flight experiences a delay due to bad weather, you may be eligible for flight delay compensation from the airline, and ClaimFlights can help you with that too!

Esenia Ulbrich

Esenia Ulbrich

Founder & Legal Head

Esenia Ulbrich is the founder of ClaimFlights and heads the legal team. She holds a master's in business administration and loves sailing in the Saronic Gulf, hiking in the Alpes, and spending time with her daughter.

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